Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Burnin' Up #2

No matter the season, summer or winter, candles are always found in my house. I like to keep them where I can see them, so I keep one on my kitchen island and one in my main floor bathroom. It's just comforting to have cozy candles burning, the scents filling my home. Here's what's been burning in my house as of late.

Because I have an embarrassing amount of candles stored up (I won't be caught without one!) this Beach Vacation scented Yankee Candle has been waiting it's turn to be burned for quite some time. Yankee Candle describes this scent as such - "A tropical island getaway . . . a fresh sea breeze mingles with lush greenery and sweet exotic flowers." If I could encapsulate the smell of a beach vacation, this is exactly what I'd expect to smell. It smells like sunscreen, beach and summer all rolled in to one. Unfortunately, the scent throw (how much the scent travels) is pretty minimal, but that could be because it's sat on my shelf for a while. 

Summer Wish by Yankee Candle is one of my favorite scents from Yankee. It's categorized as a "floral" scent, and is described by Yankee as such - "The fresh, green notes call to mind the outdoors and remind you slow and appreciate life's little moments. This scent, with its sweet, young floral essence, is anything but old-fashioned despite its nostalgic tendencies." It's not overly floral, so if you're not huge in to those kind of scents, you're safe with this. It smells really fresh and nice, and this teeny candle makes my bathroom smell great!

On another note, how cute is the white candle holder pictured above? I made a run to Bath & Body Works not too long ago and saw this white holder and couldn't leave without it! It goes perfectly with my kitchen, too. 

Have you ever tried either of these candles? What are you burning at your home? Let me know!


  1. I love burning candles too. I have tried either I those but right now I'm burnin key lime pie by Yankee candle and I love it

  2. Ohh it sounds great! Love the smell of summer, I just bought my first yankee candle - soft blanket! Loving it so far x

    Jasmin Charlotte

    1. Soft Blanket is another of my faves - such a warm, cozy scent!

  3. I love candles, especially ones with a considerable scent throw. I have a fresh laundry candle as well as an apple cinnamon one. Yum! :] // ☼

  4. I am the same way Brianna! I just love candles. Summer or winter. I'd have to say my favorite scents are more of the Fall type smells - like vanilla and pumpkin - the warm scents I like!

    Lauren xo
    Sophisticated In Style

  5. I have about million Yankee Candles..well, near enough! Their vanilla ones are my favourites!

    Belle ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  6. I've not tried either of these but they both sound amazing! I'm a huge candle addict! xx

    Jamie-Lee|Glitter Infatuation Beauty Blog!

  7. I love candles too! I have different scents for each season! How much do Yankee candles cost in general?

    Lovely blog! Good luck! Xx


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