Friday, December 12, 2014

Winter Skin Saviors

Here in Minnesota, as the temps drop, so do moisture levels in my skin. I think this is probably true for many of you who live in colder climates. Non-stop heat blasting through my home and work does a number on my skin from head to toe. And as a skincare nut, even a skincare nut with oily to normal skin, I still work to keep my face moisturized and happy during the cold months. Here are three products that help keep my face hydrated and healthy.

CeraVe is a heavenly moisturizer. For one, it's ridiculously cheap for the amount you get, but the quality of the product is amazing. I got CeraVe last winter when, at that time, I was on a medication which severely dried out my skin. What's so great about CeraVe is that it's formulated with hyaluronic acid, which is a fun little ingredient whose molecules can retain up to 1,000 times their weight in water. This means that it will plump the skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and keep moisture where it needs to be.

If you have dry skin, CeraVe is where it's at. I prefer to use this moisturizer in the morning, before I apply my makeup. It's not too heavy, and hey - if I can plump my skin up a bit, I'm all about it.

Tarte's Maracuja Oil is one of my favorite moisturizers. Not only is this oil super hydrating, but it does the skin good. It's formulated with a high dose of vitamin C to rejuvenate the skin, and to even out skin tone. Maracuja Oil is also a great anti-aging treatment. I prefer to use this moisturizer at night, and especially when my skin is acting up. I like to use this product because it's non-comodogenic, meaning it won't break out the skin. And actually, because of all the good antioxidants in this oil, it can actually help clear breakouts.

Don't be afraid of incorporating an oil in to your skincare routine. Using an oil on your face won't make it more oily, in fact, it can even help reduce the amount of oil your skin produces. 

Bare Naked Skin Nourishing Face & Eye Cream* is a new product that I've recently added to my regimen for the winter time. This cream is made up of entirely organic ingredients like shea butter, coconut oil, rosemary extract and beeswax. This is for those of you with extremely dry skin. I can't say that mine is, but it does need some extra TLC from time to time. 

As you can see in the picture above, it almost looks grainy. These grains melt in to an oily substance  that is easily smoothed all over the under eye area or all over the face. The amount on my finger above is far more than you'd need for your whole face, that's how potent this stuff is. This moisturizer will leave your face feeling silky smooth, soft, and it'll also work anti-aging magic as well. I prefer to use this at night so my skin can replenish itself, and because I don't like to use oily moisturizers in the morning; I find them to be too heavy for my oil-prone skin. I don't use this every single night, as it is very rich and my skin doesn't always need so potent of a moisturizer, but a couple times a week this is a really nice treat.

What products keep your skin in good shape for the winter? I'd love to know! 

*Bare Naked Skin Nourishing Face & Eye Cream was provided for my review. Regardless, I only recommend products I believe are good for my readers. See my disclosure policy for details.


  1. I've been wanting to try that Maracuja Oil for ages! May have to pick some up next time I'm in Sephora.
    I wrote a post not too long about about my winter skincare products, hope you'll check it out :)

    Love, Krista

    1. It is really lovely! I'll definitely check your winter skincare out, too! :)

  2. I love the Cerave cream, especially for my hands! I've been using The Body Shop's Vitamin E Serum-in-Oil recently, which is a bit heavier than the maracuja oil and really hydrating. I've also noticed the oil makes a noticeable difference in easing chapped lips if I swipe it over my lips while applying it to my face at night.

    Beauty Loon

    1. I've been really curious about the Vitamin E serum/oil. I don't have a Body Shop near me, but next time I'm there I think I'll have to test it out!

  3. I'm also using the Tarte oil this season. It is sooo cold here in Toronto.


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