Monday, March 31, 2014

And then there were 3....

This post is a bit different from what I normally write about on Glazed Over, but I just had to share because it's just too good to keep to myself! My husband and I had quite the weekend this weekend. On Friday, we picked up the newest member of our family, a 7-week-old Golden Retriever that we named Winnie!

This little fur baby kept us up at all hours on her first night in her new home. Of course, she was scared and sad to leave her mom and siblings, but by Sunday afternoon she's learning quickly and settling in. It's been so much fun to see her exploring and acquainting herself with her new world! I'm a self-professed dog lover, so getting Winnie has been a joy! Here are some pictures of our new little pup, and I'm sure there will be many more of her on Glazed Over in the future. :)

Puppy love at it's finest. 

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  1. Winnie is so beautiful, I'm sure you are going to have a lot of fun together. Golden Retrievers are wonderful dogs, we had Annie for 14 years, she was an absolute treasure!!! We now have a cute Cockapoo called Arthur (completely different in every way) and I do a regular post on him called Arthur's Antics, it's great fun. Looking forward to seeing future photos and news on Winnie. x

    1. Hi Deborah - thanks so much for reading and for your comment! Dogs are such joy. I would love to check out your dog blog! :)

  2. Omg, she is the cutest. I'm sure she's a bundle of fun and cuddles. :)

  3. How beautiful! My boyfriend and I picked up a Dachshund puppy last month and we are in love with him! Puppies are great company and wonderful cuddlers, but so many messes! I love him (Copper) anyways <3 Enjoy Winnie!

    Des | Simple Charm Beauty

    1. Oh yes, they are a ton of work but it is well worth it! Winnie has managed to make a couple messes yet, and I'm sure there will be plenty more in her future! Thank goodness for crates. :P

  4. Winnie and Wally need a play date! :)

    1. They certainly do, Amy! Wally is so cute! Winnie & Wally sound like a perfect match,. :)

  5. possibly the cutest dog ever?! aww :')

  6. So. Freakin'. Cute. Oh my gosh - major puppy love going on over here!

  7. OHHH MY GOSH!!!! These photos are absolutely precious!! Nothing is better than those first moments. Such a gorgeous little pup <3

    xo Jackie
    Something About That

  8. Oh goodness! This is too cute for words. I love this pup!!!
    Bright and Shiny


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