
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

August Favorites!

This month's favorite products are a bunch of "new to me" things - nothing particularly new to the beauty world. Nonetheless, they are all so worthy of sharing with you as I've thoroughly enjoyed everything you see above this month. Let's get to it...

My absolute favorite moisturizer this month was the Plantlife Patchouli Body Oil. I'm a die-hard patchouli fan, so I loved applying this all over and smelling magnificent all day long. I used this at the end of my shower in the morning, and even 9+ hours later I could smell it on my skin! I like pairing this with warmer perfumes such as Britney Spears Hidden Fantasy, as it creates a unique earthy fragrance.

Second best in the moisturizer category this month was The Body Shop Early Harvest Raspberry body butter. This smells AMAZING. For all I know, I'm smearing real raspberries all over me, that's how good the scent is. This body butter is extremely moisturizing and keeps my skin soft all day long. 

On a whim this month, I picked up the Nature's Bees Natural & Organic lip balm. I'm not a fan of Burt's Bees lip balm, so I don't know what posessed me to try this, but I am so glad I did! This balm has a soft mint scent and give the slightest tingle to the lips (nowhere near as tingly as Burt's Bees) and it moisturizes like no other. I picked this up at Big Lots for 99 cents I believe, and I love it so much I think I need to buy a backup or two!

For a summer glow, I've been turning to Physician's Formula Happy Booster Glow & Mood Boosting Powder in Transluscent. This highlighting powder is comparable to higher end versions I've tried. It gives the most beautiful sparkling sheen that really finishes off any look when applied to the tops of the cheekbones. It's a great option if you're looking for an affordable highlighting powder.

What have you been loving this month? Have you tried any of these products? Let me know!


  1. Ooh the lip balm sounds lovely, I wasn't a fan of the Burts Bees one either if anything it left my lips feeling sore and even drier! Not sure what that was about. This one sounds worth a try though. I also love TBS Raspberry body butter it smells amazing! I'm wanting to try the scrub next I think xx

    1. Thank you - I feel like everyone and their mother loves Burt's Bees and I've never enjoyed it! Also looking to try the TBS scrub as well! :)

  2. great post! these sound like really fab products! thanks for sharing!

  3. I'm looking forward to picking up some more Physicians Formula products when I'm in the US next week.


    1. Physicians Formula blushes are maybe some of my all time favorites! Enjoy your trip!
